Join us for our April Meeting of 1st and 45th District Republicans! New Location!

Our next monthly meeting of Republicans in the 1st and 45th legislative districts is on Thursday, April 27. Come early for pizza!

We plan to have a legislative report summing up the damage from the now ended Legislative Session, and to also look for opportunities in the 2023 local elections. We look forward to seeing you there!

New Location!

Willowcrest Stables Sign
Willowcrest Stables

This month we’ll be meeting at a new location: Willowcrest Farm Barn, 12053 154th Place NE, Redmond WA 98052.  Social starts at 7:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:30 PM.

To attend the meeting online, please email to request the Zoom link a day or two ahead (but no less then 2 hours in advance).

Join us for our March Meeting of 1st and 45th District Republicans!

Our next monthly meeting of Republicans in the 1st and 45th legislative districts is on Thursday, March 23. Come early for pizza!

We plan to receive a legislative update from Olympia depending on the evening schedule of the legislative session. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sammamish Valley Grange
Sammamish Valley Grange

We meet at the Sammamish Valley Grange, 14654 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072.  Social starts at 7:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:30 PM. To attend the meeting online, please email to request the Zoom link a day or two ahead (but no less then 2 hours in advance).

Join us for our February Meeting of 1st and 45th District Republicans!

Our next monthly meeting of Republicans in the 1st and 45th legislative districts is on Thursday, February 23. Come early for pizza!

Dann Mead Smith
Dann Mead Smith

Our guest speaker will be Dann Mead Smith, who will tell as all about Project 42, “a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization created to change the course of Washington state to prioritize free markets, personal liberty and an individual’s right to prosper.”

Dann was President and CEO of Washington Policy Center for 20 years before stepping down in fall 2021 to start his own firm, The Mead Smith Group. His main client is Project 42, which he co-founded in 2020. Some of the nonprofit groups launched or supported by Project 42 over the last year include Change Washington, League of Our Own Washington, The Center Square Washington, and Future 42. Come and learn how volunteers are building a conservative future for our state!

We’ll also discuss opportunities in the 2023 local elections and get the latest legislative updates. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sammamish Valley Grange
Sammamish Valley Grange

We meet at the Sammamish Valley Grange, 14654 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072.  Social starts at 7:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:30 PM. To attend the meeting online, please email to request the Zoom link a day or two ahead (but no less then 2 hours in advance).

Come to the 45th District Christmas Party!

The 45th LD Republicans cordially invite you to our

Thursday, December 1st
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

At the Sammamish Valley Grange Hall
14654 – 148th Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA

Join us for pie, coffee and a White Elephant Gift Exchange
Please limit the gifts to $15.00
Admission is complimentary

Please R.S.V.P. to

We need to know how many pies to purchase!

45th District Christmas Party 2022

Join us for our October Meeting of 1st and 45th District Republicans!

Our next monthly meeting of Republicans in the 1st and 45th legislative districts is this Thursday, October 27. Come early for pizza!

On the agenda: a countdown what we need to accomplish before Election Day November 8th!

Liv Finne
Liv Finne


Guest speaker Liv Finne, Director of the Center for Education at Washington Policy Center! Learn if Parents and Taxpayers are getting their money’s worth from our public schools, and how Washington State can catch up with other states on K-12 education choice.

Liv is the author of An Option for Learning: An Assessment of Student Achievement in Charter Public Schools, which in 2011 reignited the charter school debate in Washington state. She wrote “Why parents will love charter schools,” “Why teachers will love charter schools,” and many other publications during the 2012 public debate on Initiative 1240, the nation’s first charter school initiative. When charter schools came under attack from the state teachers union, she wrote “Analysis: Why the state supreme court ruling against charter schools is wrong.” She is also the author of Washington Policy Center’s widely-read education blog, and of Washington Policy Center’s Education Reform Plan: Eight Practical Ways to Improve Public Schools. Liv holds a law degree from Boston University School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wellesley College.

Sammamish Valley Grange
Sammamish Valley Grange

We meet at the Sammamish Valley Grange, 14654 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072.  Social starts at 7:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:30 PM. To attend the meeting online, please email to request the Zoom link a day or two ahead (but no less then 2 hours in advance).

Show Support for Your Favorite Republican With a Yard Sign — We’ll Deliver!

Yard Signs Ryika ChereseNow that voters have ballots and are voting, we’d like to boost the visibility of our great Republican candidates in your neighborhood!

You can help by displaying a campaign sign for one or more of our candidates in your yard, window or business. We have signs on hand and can deliver quickly, so just email to to order.

We can bring yard signs for:

Email to to order your signs!

The Seattle Times endorses Ryika Hooshangi for State Senate!

Ryika Hooshangi
Ryika Hooshangi

The Seattle Times finally acknowledged that leftist legislators like Manka Dhingra are too far left for our suburban district – calling out Dhingra for soft on crime and soft on heavy drugs (that are increasingly reaching our school kids!) as well as her excessive spending practices.  Sadly, in their endorsement they can’t resist making a few comments aimed to divide Republicans, but they did admit two key factors voters should remember – continued one-party control of our state government is BAD and Manka Dhingra is TOO LEFTIST for the 45th district. 

The Times recommends: Ryika Hooshangi for state Senate, Legislative District 45

Voters in the 45th Legislative District should make a change in who represents them in the state Senate.

Challenger Ryika Hooshangi makes a compelling case that voters should make a course correction for the district, which includes parts of Kirkland, Cottage Lake, Sammamish and points in between. The Republican, who supports abortion rights, will help bring much-needed balance to the Legislature with a moderate, collaborative brand of politics that is progressive on social policies and conservative on fiscal issues.

Hooshangi’s impressive résumé shows the former diplomat has the chops to do so. An attorney by training, she worked for the U.S. State Department, traveling the world advising diplomats. She also was an adviser to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee for a few years. More recently, she chaired the board of The Borgen Project, the respected Seattle-based nonprofit that advocates for policies to combat global poverty. These days, she is in private legal practice and serving her community as an elected member of the Sammamish Plateau Water board.

… (see more at


Evening Coffee and Conservative Meetup on September 27

Join us for our first evening Coffee and Conservative Meetup on Tuesday, September 27

Many have requested an evening Coffee as their work schedules don’t accommodate a morning event, so here’s our first effort! 

Please RSVP to if you plan to attend so we have an estimate for this first event. 

We’ll discuss the upcoming election and what’s happening locally, statewide and nationally!

We’ll have petition packets for the coordinated statewide conservative initiative campaign to get signatures for 11 important conservative reforms. Come check out a packet and help gather signatures for this key effort.

Family Pancake House SignTuesday, September 27, 6:00PM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company, and converse with fellow conservatives.

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available no-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

Join us for our September Meeting of 1st and 45th District Republicans!

Our next monthly meeting of Republicans in the 1st and 45th legislative districts will be Thursday, September 22nd. On the agenda: An update on 2022 campaigns and what we need to accomplish before election day! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sammamish Valley Grange
Sammamish Valley Grange

We meet at the Sammamish Valley Grange, 14654 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072.  Social starts at 7:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:30 PM. To attend the meeting online, please email to request the Zoom link a day or two ahead (but no less then 2 hours in advance).

Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on August 17

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on Wednesday, Auhust 17

Now over 890 days of Inslee’s One Man “Emergency” Rules – no relief in sight!

We’ll discuss what’s happening locally, statewide and nationally! First Congressional candidate Vince Cavaleri is planning to join us.

We’ll again have petition packets for the coordinated statewide conservative initiative campaign to get signatures for 11 important conservative reforms. Come check out a packet and help gather signatures for this key effort.

Family Pancake House SignWednesday, August 17, 10AM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company, and converse with fellow conservatives.

We meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10AM at the Pancake House, so you can mark your calendar ahead for September 21 as well!

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available no-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!