Join us for our February 45th District Republican Meeting!

Our next monthly 45th district Republican meeting will be Thursday, February 24th. Mark your calendar and plan to join us!

Beth Daranciang
Beth Daranciang

Interim King County GOP Chair Beth Daranciang will join us to cover the upcoming process of electing a new county Republican Chairman. Matthew Patrick Thomas will tell us why he’d like to be your next County Chairman; if other candidates announce, they may join us as well. And we’ll receive an update on the legislative session underway in Olympia. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sammamish Valley GrangeWe will meet at the Sammamish Valley Grange, 14654 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072.  Social starts at 7:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:30 PM.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! To attend the meeting online, please email to request the Zoom link at least an hour in advance.

Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on February 16

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup This Wednesday – February 16

We’ll discuss good and bad proposals in the state legislature and what’s happening nationally and internationally.

Family Pancake House SignWednesday, February 16, 10AM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company, and converse with fellow conservatives.

We meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10AM at the Pancake House, so you can mark your calendar ahead for March 16 as well!

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available no-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

Join us for our January 45th District Republican Meeting!

Our first 45th district Republican meeting for 2022 will be Thursday, January 27th. Mark your calendar and plan to join us!

Map of 45th District 2022
New 45th District Boundaries for 2022

We plan to have an update on the legislative session underway in Olympia, an update on election integrity canvassing and how you can help complete the 45th district integrity canvass, and to learn about our new district boundaries.

Sammamish Valley Grange
Sammamish Valley Grange

We will meet at the Sammamish Valley Grange, 14654 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072.  Social starts at 7:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:30 PM.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! If we can arrange a Zoom link for those who cannot attend in person, we will post it later. Mark your calendar!

Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on January 19

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup This Wednesday – January 19

We’ll discuss good and bad proposals in the state legislature, the huge state property tax increase this year for schools and more proposed school levy property taxes.

Family Pancake House SignWednesday, January 19, 10AM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company, and converse with fellow conservatives.

We meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10AM at the Pancake House, so you can mark your calendar ahead for February 16 as well!

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available no-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on December 15

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup This Wednesday – December 15

Join us as we discuss election results, new legislative district boundaries and initiatives to sign!

Family Pancake House SignWednesday, December 15, 10AM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company, and converse with fellow conservatives.

We meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10AM at the Pancake House, so you can mark your calendar ahead for January 19 as well!

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available no-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on November 17

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup This Wednesday – November 17

Join us as we discuss election results, new legislative district boundaries and initiatives to sign!

Family Pancake House SignWednesday, November 17, 10AM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company, and converse with fellow conservatives.

We meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10AM at the Pancake House, so you can mark your calendar ahead for December 15 as well!

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available no-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

Join us for our October 45th District Republican Meeting

Reminder, our October Republican District meeting is this Thursday, October 28th!

The meeting has two priorities:

1) election updates and how you can help thru Election Day, and
2) update on election integrity canvassing and how you can volunteer to help complete the 45th district integrity canvas.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

We plan to have a Zoom link for those who cannot attend – will release later. Mark your calendar!

We will meet at the Sammamish Valley Grange
14654 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072

Social starts at 7:00 PM
Meeting begins at 7:30 PM

Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on October 20

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup This Wednesday – October 20

We had a great turnout last month! Join us this month as we discuss election issues and other challenges!

Family Pancake House SignWednesday, October 20, 10AM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company and converse with fellow conservatives.

We meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10AM at the Pancake House, so you can mark your calendar ahead for November 17 as well!

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available No-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

Join us for our September 45th District Republican Meeting

Our September Republican 45th District meeting is this Thursday, September 23rd!

Our main focus will be an election update.

This is our only meeting before ballots arrive. Important to attend.

We will meet at the old Visitor Center which shares the parking area with the Sammamish Valley Grange (just to the north of the Grange Hall) at 14700 148th Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072.

Social starts at 7:00 PM
Meeting begins at 7:30 PM

Hope you can join us!

The meeting will also be available for remote attendance. The Zoom link will be sent out on the email list. If you’re not on that list and would like to receive the link, please email us at