Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on February 16

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup This Wednesday – February 16

We’ll discuss good and bad proposals in the state legislature and what’s happening nationally and internationally.

Family Pancake House SignWednesday, February 16, 10AM at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans and conservatives to get together, enjoy good company, and converse with fellow conservatives.

We meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10AM at the Pancake House, so you can mark your calendar ahead for March 16 as well!

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond (to your left as you enter the restaurant).

$5 charge covers coffee and other beverages. Menu items available no-host as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!