Join us for our April 45th District Republican Meeting

District Chairman Dale Fonk invites you to our scheduled Zoom meeting. Open to all interested local Republicans. Get to know our Precinct  Committee Officers, dedicated volunteers and other Republicans.

Thursday, April 22, 2021
7:00 PM Pacific Time

Meeting room will open at 7:00 PM. Actual meeting will start at 7:30 PM.

Those on our regular email list have been sent a Meeting Access code.

If you need an access code, please email your request to Eric Rohrbach, 45th Vice-chairman at or to

Hope you can join us!

Monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup on April 21

Join us for our monthly Coffee and Conservative Meetup

We’re back to in-person meetups! Join us and let’s compare the state of the state and Nation!

Wednesday, April 21st, 10am at Redmond’s Family Pancake House restaurant.

Open to all greater eastside Republicans/conservatives to get together, enjoy good company and converse with fellow conservatives.

Right now we will meet each month on the 3rd Wednesday, 10am at the Pancake House. (The restaurant’s banquet room is now reserved each month on our old regular date on 3rd Friday, so note the change to 3rd Wednesday)

Masks are required to enter restaurant, but optional once you are seated.

Find us in the banquet area of the Family Pancake House, 17621 Redmond Way, Redmond.

No-host coffee and other beverages. Menu items available as well.

Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

RSVP is not required, but since this is our restart please reply to to let me know if you plan to attend just so I have an initial idea of how many to expect. Thanks!

Information to Vote Safely in the 2020 General Election

Republicans Are Committed to Honest Elections!

  • Ballots must be turned in not later than 8:00 PM on November 3rd, 2020.
  • Ballots can be dropped off into a King County Elections Ballot Drop box. Here are the Eastside locations and they are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until 8PM sharp on November 3rd:
    • Kirkland City Hall
    • Redmond City Hall
    • Redmond Community Center at Marymoor Village
    • Sammamish City Hall
    • Kingsgate Library
    • Woodinville Library (on Avondale Rd.)
    • Duvall Police Department Depot Park
    • Bothell City Hall
    • Kenmore City Hall

If you are going to drop your ballot off at a ballot drop box on November 3rd, please allow extra time. Expect long lines as 8:00 PM approaches and the cut off is 8:00 sharp. If you find a long line, park and walk your ballot directly to the drop box so it arrives by 8PM. There are often people who are in line but did not get their ballot dropped in the box by 8:00.  Their ballot will be collected but it will not be counted.  Don’t be one of those who missed being counted by ‘just a minute’. Take care of it earlier in the day.

  • You can also mail your ballot via the US Postal Service with no postage required. Again, it must be mailed in time to be postmarked before 8:00 PM on November 3rd. Do not mail after 4pm Tuesday – go to an Official Drop Box instead, as they are open until 8pm.
  • Your ballot envelope must be signed and dated

Things to keep in mind if you need help:

  • You can designate someone to help you, but it is up to you who you select.
  • It is a crime for someone to deceive you or record your vote inaccurately
  • You can get assistance from King County Elections if you have a disability that makes using the ballot difficult. You may have to go to their Renton office for this help. Your residential facility may be able to provide transportation. King County Elections is located at 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA and can be reached via phone at (206) 296-8683.
  • Don’t let anyone influence how you vote your ballot. It is YOUR ballot.
  • Protect the possession of your ballot until it is properly submitted in the ballot drop box or postal service receptacle.
  • Do not let anyone inhibit your access to your ballot. Nobody can vote for you. It is the law.

Our goal is to have very high participation and an election with no fraud.  We are all well served when the outcome of any election is an accurate reflection of the will of the people.  Please be vigilant in protecting your ballot; don’t be a victim of any kind of ‘ballot harvesting’ scheme.

Questions?  Email us at

Contact Senators to Support Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Please take a minute to email our two U.S. Senators to vote to CONFIRM Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court!

If the procedural steps are followed, the final vote is expected Monday evening, so you have Sunday or early Monday to send your email. Your message can be just a simple “please vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court”. This is an historic nomination and Amy Coney Barrett has more than earned this confirmation. Let’s help boost her support!

Phone calls on Monday to their Seattle or D.C. offices also help.

You can contact Senator Patty Murray online at:

154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2621
FAX: (202) 224-0238
Toll-Free: (866) 224-9186

You can contact Senator Maria Cantwell online at:

511 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3441
FAX: (202) 228-0514

Recommendations for 2020 General Election

Here are our recommendations for the 2020 general election local ballot.

Statewide Issues

Ref. 90 State sexual ed curriculum -REJECT
Advisory Votes 32-33-34-35 – REPEAL
ESJR 8212 Amends Constitution – REJECT

Federal Offices

President/Vice-Pres – Donald Trump/Mike Pence
Cong. Dist. 1 – Jeffrey Beeler
Cong. Dist. 8 – Jesse Jensen

State Offices

Governor – Loren Culp
Lt. Governor – WRITE IN Joshua Freed
Attorney General – Matt Larkin
Secretary of State – Kim Wyman
State Treasurer – Duane Davidson
State Auditor – Chris Lebya
Commissioner of Public Lands – Sue Pederson
Supt. of Public Instruction – Maia Espinoza
45th State Representative, Pos. 2 – Amber Krabach
State Supreme Court Justice, Pos. 3 – Dave Larson

King County Issues

KC Charter Amendment 1 – NO
KC Charter Amendment 2 – NO
KC Charter Amendment 3 – YES
KC Charter Amendment 4 – NO
KC Charter Amendment 5 – NO
KC Charter Amendment 6 – NO
KC Charter Amendment 7 – NO
KC Proposition 1 – YES

View the King County Republican Platform at


Debate Night on October 7!

Wednesday, October 7th is DEBATE NIGHT and it’s a DOUBLE HEADER!
Vice-president Mike Pence and Democrat Kamala Harris will debate from 6PM to 7:30PM.
Tune in to cheer on our Vice-president!
It will be carried live on C-Span, as well as on KING, KOMO, KIRO, CNN and Fox.
C-Span provides it without interruptions by commentators.

Following the Vice-presidential debate, Republican Loren Culp will get his one and only chance to debate Jay Inslee
(Hey, Inslee was only in one presidential debate — and then dropped out!)
Governor debate will run from 8PM to 9PM
It will be carried on TVW as well as KING, KIRO, Q13 and KCTS according to the debate coalition.

Culp for Governor Outdoor Rallies in Redmond August 28-29

Donate to Elect Loren Culp for Governor!Meet Loren Culp!

Come and Join the effort to replace Jay Inslee!
There are TWO opportunities:

Friday, Aug. 28, 6:30-9:30 PM
Saturday, Aug. 29, 6:30-9:30 PM

12053 154th Place NE, Redmond

These are FREE events!
Live Music, Food, the candidate and other speakers.
Bring a friend! Bring a chair or a blanket to sit on!
Bring your dog (and shade and water for the pup)!

RSVP on Facebook
or just come and attend!

RSVP for Friday:
RSVP for Saturday:

45th District Meeting and Convention Watch Party on August 27!

Join President Trump in Woodinville this Thursday, August 27, for our 45th District Meeting/Convention Watch Party!

 We will meet at Dale Fonk’s home outdoors to watch the President accept the Republican nomination for President.

Complimentary Ice Cream will be served.

Join us for this fun event as we prepare for the final two months of 2020 campaigning.

Please reply to to let us know YES or NO if you plan to attend.


When: We’ll have the TV coverage on starting at 6:30 PM
Where: Dale’s home, 16210 165th Place NE, Woodinville
Masking at your discretion, please maintain social distancing

Dale has limited chairs for seating, so bring a chair if you are able!

Sign Referendum 90 Petitions This Weekend!

PFSS2020_Logo.jpgThis Friday, stop and sign a Referendum 90 petition to keep our kids and their schools safe!

Here’s where you can sign Referendum 90 at a drive thru or pick up a petition to take home and sign:


Holy Family Catholic Church
7045 120th Ave NE, Kirkland

Open Friday, May 1st from 9:30am to noon and 6pm to 7:30pm
Open Saturday, May 2nd from Noon to 3pm
They plan to continue weekday hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Saturday hours on future Saturdays in May.


(Cottage Lake, Avondale, Bear Creek)

Cottage Lake Assembly of God Church Parking Lot
15737 Avondale Rd NE, Woodinville

Open Friday, May 1st from 2pm to 6pm

Future times and locations TDB

Sanitized pens will be available but we encourage you to bring your own pen to help with our “social distancing.”

Pick up an extra petition!  Extra petitions available if you need one to pass among your friends/co-workers/parents networks

45th District Republicans Meeting on February 27

Join us on Thursday, February 27th for our 45th District Meeting.

Attend and learn the latest on our Presidential Precinct Caucuses scheduled for 10:00am this Saturday, February 29th.  We’ll also have information on bad bills moving through the legislature and how you can help stop them.

If you missed the January meeting you missed great remarks from two of our statewide candidates for 2020.  Joshua Freed, candidate for Governor and Matt Larkin, candidate for Attorney General both gave us insight into their campaign plans and goals.

We meet at:

Cottage Lake Assembly of God church
15737 Avondale Rd NE
Woodinville, WA 98072

Social time from 7pm to 7:30pm, meeting 7:30pm to 9pm

Hope to see you at the meeting!