The Seattle Times finally acknowledged that leftist legislators like Manka Dhingra are too far left for our suburban district – calling out Dhingra for soft on crime and soft on heavy drugs (that are increasingly reaching our school kids!) as well as her excessive spending practices. Sadly, in their endorsement they can’t resist making a few comments aimed to divide Republicans, but they did admit two key factors voters should remember – continued one-party control of our state government is BAD and Manka Dhingra is TOO LEFTIST for the 45th district.
The Times recommends: Ryika Hooshangi for state Senate, Legislative District 45
Voters in the 45th Legislative District should make a change in who represents them in the state Senate.
Challenger Ryika Hooshangi makes a compelling case that voters should make a course correction for the district, which includes parts of Kirkland, Cottage Lake, Sammamish and points in between. The Republican, who supports abortion rights, will help bring much-needed balance to the Legislature with a moderate, collaborative brand of politics that is progressive on social policies and conservative on fiscal issues.
Hooshangi’s impressive résumé shows the former diplomat has the chops to do so. An attorney by training, she worked for the U.S. State Department, traveling the world advising diplomats. She also was an adviser to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee for a few years. More recently, she chaired the board of The Borgen Project, the respected Seattle-based nonprofit that advocates for policies to combat global poverty. These days, she is in private legal practice and serving her community as an elected member of the Sammamish Plateau Water board.
… (see more at https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/editorials/the-times-recommends-ryika-hooshangi-for-state-senate-legislative-district-45/)